A tribal hunter doesn’t store the meat from his kill in the woods away from his tribe. The best value for his accumulated wealth is in the stomach of his fellow tribesman. They are who he serves. In turn, they serve him. The weapons maker, the cook, and even the shelter builder. His strength comes from them. Without them, the reasons to kill for food, and with that his prowess, he is nothing. He does not kill for his own purpose, he does it for the greater good of his tribe. They in turn will provide him with better weapons, better shelter, and better clothing. While the best hunting spots are available to anyone, the expert hunter knows the correct time and location to hunt to maximize his results for the time he’s invested.
For the most part, we no longer hunt our own food or build our own shelters. The tools we now use arrive ready-made and sharpened. We can have pretty much anything delivered to our door ready for use and/or consumption. And despite all these modern-day tribesmen who provide us with these conveniences, there is virtually no place to store your wealth without gambling with it or having it devalued by inflation. So where does somebody store the accumulated wealth they create? How can they provide for their tribe so their tribe can provide for them?
The answer is Bitcoin.
It’s the best place to store your accumulated wealth. No need to roll the dice on the stock market, or worry that the government will confiscate it or debase it. There is no need to bury it in the ground or hide it in your sock drawer. With Bitcoin, you can become your own specialist in wealth storage. Self-sovereign. A modern-day hunter in your own realm. Clearly, the results of your time can no longer be safely stored in the fiat system, so finding the best place to store your accumulated wealth is imperative. Your life depends on it. Your tribe depends on it. The fiat currency you have today is quickly losing purchasing power (look at your weekly food bill) thanks to the debasement of fiat currencies around the world. So what’s a pleb to do? You’ll need to find a better way to keep the results of your time to benefit your tribe as best as you can. The sooner you do this, the healthier you and your tribe will be.
Bitcoin is available to anyone. The early adopters may have found some of the best ‘hunting’ spots, but there’s plenty yet available. If you can’t find one, create it. Technology and adoption are providing opportunities in this space never thought possible. There will be many more innovations to come. And be sure to store your meat properly.